Sunset Ladder & Scaffold Co. has supplied its customers with the safest and highest quality ladders, upright scaffolding and related products available since 1929. We supply ALL types of ladders and upright scaffolding that the industry offers.
Our team of experts are the best informed in the ladder and scaffold industry with sales and service second to none! They are ready to advise you of the many options of name brand ladders and upright scaffolding available to you. If you don’t see what you want, CALL us!
Shop or Rent Step Ladders, Extension Ladders, Platform Ladders, Attic Ladders, Cage & Wall Ladders, Rolling Ladders, Crossover Bridges, and Work Platforms
Here are SOME of the more popular Attic Ladders, Cage & Wall Ladders, Extension Ladders, Platform Ladders, Step Ladders, Rolling Ladders, Crossover Ladders, and Work Platforms made by Sunset Ladder Co, and other Leading Manufacturers — If you don’t see what you want, or for special pricing, CALL us!
Single & Extension Ladders
Step Ladders & Platform Ladders
Rolling Warehouse Safety Ladders
 New Product!
Sunset Ladder Booties
Reduce or elminimate step ladder feet from scarring or marking up your flooring.
Proudly Made in USA.
Dealer and Quantity Discounts Available - Call (800) 660-1311. |
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Upright Scaffold and Steel Scaffold
We carry ALL types of aluminum upright scaffolding and steel scaffolding and ALL the best brands. EZ Lift™ Upright Scaffolding intermixes with Werner Upright Scaffolding and Vault Upright Scaffolding — If you don’t see what you want, or for special pricing, CALL us! |
Aluminum Upright Scaffolding
EZ Lift™ Upright Scaffold Aluminum
A lightweight choice for an upright scaffold, EZ Lift™ Aluminum Upright Scaffold offers quick assembly of a mobile tower system. It's strong, highly versatile, and incredibly durable. Whether you need a single span or double span upright scaffold, EZ Lift™ is the right choice for the job.
EZ Lift™ Upright Scaffold — Single Span
Offering a scaffold of about 29 inches wide, the single span EZ Lift™ scaffold can easily roll through a standard doorway. It's a great choice for narrow areas and comes in six, eight, or ten feet sets. Folding bases are designed to rapidly unfold and lock into position without the use of tools.
The height of single span EZ Lift™ Upright Aluminum Scaffold can be increased with the right braced extension set. The best part about this scaffold system is the lightweight construction making it very easy to work with. Setup can be done quickly helping to eliminate the time and money spent.
The EZ Lift™ single span upright scaffold offers the benefit of a 500 pound capacity per platform. It's small, portable, and easy to set up.
EZ Lift™ Upright Scaffold — Double Span
If you need a wider scaffold tower, the EZ Lift™ double span upright aluminum scaffold offers the right choice. Folding bases are designed to rapidly unfold and lock into position without the use of tools. This set up is about 54 inches wide and comes in six, eight, or ten feet sets. The larger working area makes it possible to move around a bit easier and works well for jobs requiring a higher load capacity.
The height of the scaffold tower can be extended with the right extension set. A 25 foot EZ Lift™ double span upright scaffold can be set up in less than 30 minutes by two people.
The EZ Lift™ double span upright scaffold offers the benefits of a 500 pound capacity per platform side-by-side, more overall weight capacity, and the ability for multiple workers to easily move on side-by-side platforms.
Both the Single Span and Double Span Upright Scaffold Options
can be combined with Werner Upright Scaffold and Vault Upright Scaffold Systems
No matter which EZ Lift™ Aluminum Upright Scaffold you need, Sunset Ladder & Scaffold has you covered. Call us today to find out more about the upright scaffold we offer or select from the choices below. Upright Scaffolding Info
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